Ctrl B Pada Microsoft Word

  1. Ctrl B Pada Microsoft Word 2010
  2. Ctrl+b Pada Microsoft Word Tts

Alternatively referred to as Control B and C-b, Ctrl+B is a shortcut key most often used to bold and un-bold text.


Clicking 'B' icon works. Clicking CTRL-B does not. CTRL-I and CTRL-U work fine. I don't have any conflicting macros that I created. I'm sure the answer is simple. Thanks for all who respond. Sebagai contoh, ketika kita ingin mengeprint dokument dengan menggunakan cara biasa atau menggunakan mouse, tentunya tidak akan lebih cepat dibandingkan jika kita menggunakan shortcut print Ctrl+P. Shortcut Microsoft Office Word. Berikut ini adalah daftar shortcut yang dapat digunakan pada Microsoft Word.

Ctrl B Pada Microsoft Word 2010

On Apple computers, the shortcut to bold is the Command key+B or Command key+Shift+B keys.

  • Computer keyboard shortcuts.

How to use the Ctrl+B shortcut key

To use the keyboard shortcutCtrl+B, press and hold either Ctrl key on the keyboard and while continuing to hold, press the 'B' key with either hand.

With this keyboard shortcut, if no text is highlighted and the program you're using uses this key to bold text pressing the shortcut key turns on and off the bold feature. If text is highlighted, the highlighted text becomes bold or un-bold if already bolded.


On Apple computer keyboards, the Ctrl key is labeled as 'control.'

Ctrl+B in an Internet browser

Ctrl b pada microsoft word download

With Internet browsers, the Ctrl+B keyboard shortcut can have a different functions depending on the browser. With Firefox and Netscape, Ctrl+B displays the bookmarks. With Internet Explorer, Ctrl+B displays the favorites.

Ctrl B Pada Microsoft Word

Ctrl+B in Excel and other spreadsheet programs

In Microsoft Excel and all other spreadsheet programs, pressing Ctrl+B when one or more cells is selected will bold or un-bold the selected cells. If editing the contents of a cell with no selected text, Ctrl+B turns on and off bold.

Ctrl B Pada Microsoft Word

Ctrl+B in Microsoft PowerPoint

Pressing Ctrl+B in Microsoft PowerPoint bolds the highlighted text.

Ctrl+B in Word and other word processors

In Microsoft Word and other word processor programs, highlighting text and pressing Ctrl+B makes the text bold. If the text is already bold, highlighting the bold text and pressing Ctrl+B un-bolds the text.


Related keyboard shortcuts

Below are links to related keyboard key and keyboard shortcut pages.

Ctrl+b Pada Microsoft Word Tts

Related pages

  • Computer keyboard shortcuts.

B, Bold, Ctrl, Keyboard terms, Shortcut key