Kp Astrology Blogs


Latest predictions on politics and Indian economy at Gurujisangamji blog. Get complete information about astrology and politics. Nadi Astrology and KP Astrology consultation. Acharya JK Jain. English, Hindi, Kannada Vedic Astrology, Nadi Astrology, KP Astrology, Corporate Astrology, Prashna Kundli. Acharya JK is a very famous name in Astrology Science, he is the third generation Astrologer. His Grandfather & Father were a famous personality as. In Marriage astrology the Main House for Marriage or any kind of Relationship is 7th House. 7th house doesn’t only represent Marriage but it also represent any kind of Serious relationship or partnership, in case of career astrology it also represent Profession. But here i will confine myself with Marriage astrology only.

I would like to explain different concepts of KP Astrology in a series of articles. I assume that readers will have basic knowledge of Astrology like signs, stars, planets, houses, aspects etc. I will try my best to explain what I had understood so far. Lets go into the topic after bowing before Ganeshji and KSKji.

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Star lord

There are 27 stars scattered along the zodiac. All these stars are allotted to 9 planets (3 each) in the order of Vimsothari dasa system. The planet that owns a star is called “star lord” for that planet. So any planet in the horoscope will be in a sign and in a star too. Therefore planet will be in conjoined influence of the sign lord and star lord. KSK says that Star lord is more influential than the sign lord. Mostly sign is important to know the strength of that planet. Whether that planet is in a sign congenial to its nature or not should be noted. Later the features of the sign like element, gender, expression etc should be borne in mind. Suppose Sun is in Aries, then we should note that Sun is in a fiery, movable, positive sign and very strong by sign position.

  1. KP does not recognize other traditional principles of traditional astrology such as Ashtak-Varga, yogas like Kalsarp, Saadhe Sati, Mangal Dosh, etc. Prashna Jyotish or Horary Astrology i.e. Astrology based on questionnaires has been discussed in detail in KP astrology.
  2. Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP) Astrology is an excellent system of astrological predictions conceived, created by The Great Indian Astrology King, late Prof. As you must have experienced that precision of the time period of the events is difficult when one uses Vedic/Traditional system, but, KP can give you a clear-cut 'YES'.

Planet is compelled by the “star lord” to offer results indicated by it (star lord) for that horoscope. Otherwise the results of a planet are reflected through the stars owned by it and offered by those planets tenanting them. Therefore planet will indicate the results of the star lord during its periods and sub periods or when any planet moves its stars in transit. For instance, for Aries Ascendant, Venus is lord of 2-7 houses. Any planet in the stars of Venus will offer the results of 2-7 houses whether it is in 1 or 5 or 9 houses.

If there is any planet in a house then it will indicate the matters of that house more strongly than the house owner. A planet will indicate the matters signified by the houses owned by it, as Bhava lord, when those houses are unoccupied by any planet. KSK says “tenant is stronger than owner” and if the tenant is absent then alone the sign lord will have sway over the matters of that house. All significations of the planet will be reflected through its stars. Therefore we will get the following four rules to ascertain how planets are “connected” with a house in the order of strength.

  1. Planets in the stars of occupants
  2. Occupants
  3. Planets in the stars of House owner
  4. House owner
  5. Planets conjoined or aspected by A-D above.

In this way we have to note which planets are “significators” of a house. Signficators for all 12 houses should be tabulated for convenience.


Good luck

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