Planets In Navamsa Chart

Vedic or Indian astrology dates back in centuries' time to the period of Vedas as a branch of oral learning and teaching. Focusing on the lights of heavenly bodies, astrology delves into their influence on human lives in the context of their 'karmic' cycle. 'Navamsa' occupies a point of paramount significance in the context of Indian astrology.

Navamsa in Sanskrit means the 'Nineth Division'.('Nav' means Nine and 'amsa' means a division or planetary portion).Navamsa chart is the most important astrology chart after Rashi Chart or Birth Chart for vedic astrology predictions and interpretations. Navamsa is invariably necessary to be checked for each and every event to be delineated from the horoscope. According to Shastras, without Navamsa chart predictions are not ventured without anyalsing the position of planets in the Navamsa chart for a particular bhava and its representative.

Navamsa- the etymology which is Sanskrit in origin literally means the ninth angle or the ninth division. It is attributed to the harmonically organized chart which forms the basis of astrological prediction. Right from judging a planetary strength to the study of an individual inclination, Navamsa bears the needful force, a pointer to the inevitable and invincible sway of destiny making or breaking a person. Navamsa serves to enlighten on the cumulative effect of effort which in an astrological parameter is a unique blend of work and luck.

Navamsa chart

Technically speaking 'navamsa' is the one ninth of a division [1/9], referring to one out of nine divisions. As a divisional chart of an individual horoscope, navamsa is supposed to be the ninth division of a particular rashi or sign, in which each division can be further broken into three degrees and twenty minutes. Planets of an individual horoscope fall into various signs and the respective navamsa of each is determined in respect of its due occupancy. In other words the signs occupied by various planets influence their respective navamsa.

Interpretation of navamsa chart

Planets In Navamsa Chart

The spiritual essence of a horoscope lies in its navamsa chart. The sub-divisions of a planetary sign (the sign inhabited by a given planet) have a direct collocation with various phases of his life which in turn has a direct bearing on his spiritual character. Certain underlying principles guide the interpretation of Navamsa. The nine fold divisions are guided by different lords. The lords of first, fourth and seventh navamsa are of divine significance. The lords of second, fifth and eighth denote spiritual reputation and kindness; whereas the lords of third, sixth and ninth are demonic in significance. 'Pushkaramasha' is the most auspicious element of a navamsa. Each zodiac rashi or sign has two Pushkara navamsa. Thus with a sum total of twelve rashis or signs, there are twenty four Pushkara Navamshas. The peculiarity of this lies in the fact that they are owned by beneficial planets. Consequently, such planets during their tenure ship bestow on the concerned individual abundance of wealth, riches and progress. This is particularly true of Jupiter. The concerned planet in 'pushkara' blesses the native with wealth and good prospects. The fifth house of navamsha chart indicates the spiritual self of a person. One needs to have a look at the placement of sun and its friendly planets to find out to what extent the efforts of one's good will and action may bear fruits. On the other hand, the rising ascendant or lagna, its lord and the third house have direct connection with the elements of patience and endurance. Similarly, the rising lord, the seventh house and its lord, Venus and its friendly bodies have a direct bearing on ones better half. The third house and is lords are associated with overseas settlement and disease. The combined features of the third, seventh, ninth and the twelfth house together with the respective placement of their lords signify overseas travel. Likewise the 'lagna' its lord, the sixth lord and ketu are linked with diseases whereas 'rahu' and its transit have a link with the curability of diseases. The planet of the ascending sign and its lord should not ideally occupy the sixth, eighth and twelfth places in a navamsa. The given locations make for their afflictions leading to anxieties and trouble during their tenureship.

Navamsa predictions


Planets weakly positioned in natal chart but heightened in navamsa are supposed to produce favorable results. The reverse is also true. Planets or aspects denoted by those planets should be equal in strength in both the natal and navamsa chart so as to produce the desired result. Planets strengthened in navamsa chart are supposed to be thrice more powerful than that in natal chart. A planet occupying the same place in birth as well as that of the navamsha chart is supposed to be very powerful. Thus prediction should always be made in context of the navamsha, birth chart and that showing the transitory phases of various planets. The chart is particularly helpful in spheres of marriage, mental matching with one's spouse. It also helps to predict the time of marriage and how delays can be overcome.

Effects of Navamsa

Analysis of a given Navamsa chart testifies to the general prospects and dispositions of one's life. The ascendant sign and its respective lord bare testimony to the native's colour shape, general nature and the overall mental makeup. Moon's Navamsa and that of its ascendant lord usually determine a native's physical look. Transitory effects of moon in the context of one's birth chart and that of his Navamsa has profound bearing on his nature. The entire set of Navamsa has its prolific bearing on individual's physical features and that of his innate disposition. Thus houses of a birth chart should be correlated to that of his Navamsa. Conjunction or opposition of planets should be given due priority for predicting results.

Usage Of Navamsa Chart In Predictions - Astrology

NB: Articles submitted for publication on JyotishVidya reflect the views of the author only. Readers are advised to read other view >here<


'Navamsa' (Navmansh, Navansh, Navamsha, Ninth Harmonic) literally means 'Ninth Division'. Vedic Astrologers have always given a great deal of importance to the Navamsa chart. The Navamsa chart is treated as the primary basis along with Rasi chart, for judging a planet's strength. Kalyana Varma in Saravali, Mantreswara in Phaladeepika, Baidyanath Dixit in Jatak Parijat, Varahamihira in Brihat Jatak, Parashar in Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra, all refer to the importance of Navamsa in chart analysis. Even a relatively recent astrologer like the late B.V. Raman states that 'the strength of a planet should be judged after a careful study of its disposition in Rasi and Navamsa'.

Why is the Navamsa so important? Well, the 9th house in any horoscope is considered the most auspicious house, its lord is considered the greatest benefic to a chart. The 9th is the house of fortune, of luck, and of Dharma. A strong 9th house can often go a long way in countering the other malefic aspects in a horoscope. The house whose lord is placed in 9th house usually prospers. The Navamsa is therefore the 'fortune' chart. It can make or break your luck. A strong Rasi chart has to be backed by a strong Navamsa, or it may not live up to its potential. The Rasi chart is like a radio. A strong Navamsa is like a strong signal, which ensures that you hear your favourite station. A weak Navamsa is like a weak signal, even if your radio is of excellent make, you can't hear anything!

The Rasi chart is your physical existence, the circumstances that you live in, the things that you do. The Moon chart is your mental world, how you see things and how you react. The Navamsa is the hidden force, the invisible hand of destiny that decides what the result of your efforts will be.

There are some simple rules for judging the strength of a planet using Navamsa.

'Vargottama' is the division where the planet is in the same sign in Rasi and Navamsa. Such a planet is extremely powerful to give results; its Dasa will most definitely be eventful. ( A lot of astrologers simply look at the Avastha of a planet and deem it weak. Sun in infancy in Aries when Vargottama is extremely powerful, I will not call it weak. )

A planet in its exaltation or own sign in Navamsa is to be considered strong, and usually gives good results pertaining to its lordship or Karaka signification. A planet in its debilitation in Navamsa is weak, unless that is offset by Neechbhanga.

A planet involved in exchange of signs (Parivartana) in the Navamsa should be considered strong.

The lord of a house, whether in Rasi or Navamsa, conjunct or aspected by a Karaka in the Navamsa gives good results. For e.g., If the 7th lord of the Rasi or Navamsa is conjunct Venus, it gives good results pertaining to spouse.

Drishti ascribed to Jupiter (5,7,9), Mars (4,7,8) and Saturn (3,7,10) is also to be considered for the Navamsa chart.

Affliction to a planet by the Nodes in the Navamsa gives peculiar or warped results. For e.g.., Jupiter afflicted by Rahu in the Navamsa may not necessarily mean harm to children; it could indicate some problems in the relationship or simply an indifferent attitude towards them.

The Navamsa is *the* chart for marriage and spouse. It is the best indicator of how a person's marital life will turn out to be. A malefic in 7th in Rasi is bad, but in Navamsa it is worse. Afflictions to 7th lord or Venus in the Navamsa chart are bad for marriage; this applies irrespective of the said planets' disposition in Rasi.

For planets that are not in their own or exaltation Navamsas; the position, strength and Rasi lordship of the Navamsa dispositor is a major influence. The planet acquires the 'flavour' of its Navamsa disposition. For e.g., 10th lord in Mercury-ruled Navamsa could indicate a career in communications or accountancy. 10th lord in Mars-ruled Navamsa could mean a career in surgery, or the army, or engineering.

The planets that are in conjunction or opposition in Navamsa should be given priority while predicting results. For e.g., Consider the following position: Mars opposite Venus in Navamsa, aspected by Saturn via 10th Drishti. Here the Venus opposition is more important than the Saturn aspect. Indicates a sibling (since Mars is Karaka for siblings), female, with artistic inclinations (significations of Venus).

Mars conjunct Rahu or Ketu in Mercury's Navamsa gives skin or stomach problems.
Venus conjunct Rahu or Ketu in Navamsa indicates marriage to a person outside of the native's community. Also gives problems in relationships.
Saturn conjunct Moon in Navamsa indicates stinginess, or an obsession with money.
Moon and Mars conjunct in Navamsa indicate gynaecological problems in women and blood-related problems in men. This is especially true when the conjunction occurs in Cancer or Scorpio.
Venus, though Vargottama in Jyeshtha, can still give relationship problems.
Jupiter in exaltation or own sign in Navamsa usually gives a sound financial position to the native, especially as age increases.
Saturn in Leo Navamsa is almost always bad, except when Vargottama.
Natives with Sun in Aries Navamsa go bald sooner than most people. They also tend to have large foreheads.
Mars in Venus Navamsa gives a taste for the good life. If afflicted, will give vices. Venus in Mars Navamsa gives an aggressive, emotional outlook in relationships. A Mars-Venus exchange in Navamsa could indicate failure of marriage, or, a love-interest not leading to marriage. It could also indicate unfaithfulness or a multiplicity of relationships.

All these rules have to be applied without undermining the importance of the Rasi chart. The results of planets with respect to their Nakshatra placement and their lordship are paramount. The Navamsa should be looked at as a tool that complements the Rasi, not as something that does away with it! The Navamsa is a window to the Divine within us, it is the measure of our fortune, our destiny.

|| Shubham Bhavatu ||