Star Trek Armada 3 Uprising
Star Trek Armada 3? Never heard of it!
If you consider yourself to be a true-blue Trekkie - OMG - have you ever missed out!!!
For those of you who have never played Star Trek Armada 3: it's a Trek mod for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion.
Actually, STA 3 is a LOT more than just a mod for SoaSE:R: it completely transforms it into a game that directly hits all the right buttons in a true Trekkie soul.
If you like scifi strategy games and you think you'll get goosebumps when your Excalibur class dreadnought majesticly glides out of the shipyard and warps off to lead your fleet, then you really need to give STA 3 a go.
STA 3 is a strategy game, set in a variable sized universe that is filled with diiferent kinds of planets, which are inhabited with races from the Star Trek world. At the start of a game you may choose between Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian and .. the Borg. Once you choose one of these races you get the whole shebang: the ships, the AI interface, the technology tree, everything changes to the specific characteristics of that race. You will even hear some well known Star Trek voices captaining your ships. The attention to detail by the developers is astounding!
Besides these 'main races' you will also run into Ferengi, Nausicaans, Bajorans and other well-kown Star Trek races as you move from planet, expanding your territory and influence.
Another awesome fact about STA 3 is that it is STILL being actively developed, updated and patched and the developers still respond to feedback from the STA 3 community. This keeps STA 3 very much alive and in my opinion the best Star Trek mod there is.
Star Trek Armada 3: Uprising
STA 3: Uprising is the latest release of the series. It's been available since March 2019. After playing STA 3: Uprising for the past months I can honestly say: the developers have done it again! The is yet another GREAT addition to the gameplay options of STA 3.
OK, so what's so new and great about STA 3: Uprising?
Up untill now you had 2 options of expanding your territory and influence: you either warped to someone else's planet with a huge fleet and smacked them into submission, or you developed a powerful domineering culture, the influence of which would also expand throughout the universe and incite revolt and chaos on other planets.
With the release of STA 3: Uprising you now have an extra option: diplomacy. You don't have to conquer alien races, you can form alliances with them and draw them into your influence by diplomacy and cooperation. Up untill this release the characteristics of the 'minor AI races' weren't really developed, and they didn't really serve any other role than something that you had to subdue in order to gain control of a planet and it's resources.
But in STA 3 a lot of those characteristics surface in beneficial options that become available once you manage to form an alliance with that particular race on a particular planet.
Before you can do this you have to master certain skills, so the tech tree has also been altered to accomodate this.
This adds a whole new field of play and depth to STA 3. One that I personally really enjoyed.
Want to try out this new feature, or have a go at STA 3 for the first time?
You have to have the latest version of Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion. You have to buy this Ironclad game, either through Steam or another source.
The Star Trek Armada 3 mod is free - which I find truly awesome of the developers - given the huge amount of time they put into maintaining this mod.
You can read more about Star Trek Armada 3 and download the mod at Mod DB:
Need help installing all of this? Have a look at this link:
Star Trek Amrada 3: Uprising Install Guide
I hope to see you at the coming STA 3 events!
- Star Trek Armada Iii Mod
- Star Trek Armada 3 Uprising V1.0
- Star Trek Armada 3 Uprising Tutorial Hanging
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion - Star Trek Armada 3: Uprising v.1.0: mod: 1269.7 MB: 5/16/2020: 10.4K: 23: Sins of a Solar. I bet you didn't know there was a Star Trek: Armada 3, did you? Well, technically there isn't, it's not a stand alone game, but it's a rather special mod for Sins Of A Solar Empire that effectively delivers what you would expect from a modern day Armada game.Star Trek: Armada III begins with the first stirrings of the Dominion War and allows players to take. I have yet to play any Star Trek game (video or tabletop) that actually gets the scale right, and I feel like there's no excuse for it, as the ship size plays such a huge part in making the fleet feel diverse and unique, especially in a video game where space is not a premium (I can kinda understand why a constant scale wouldn't be used for a.
Star Trek Armada 3:Uprisings is a great, Star Trek based strategy game. Choose your race, build your fleet, research technical advances, expand your empire and always be on the lookout for enemy forces! The AI we play against in STA3 is challenging to say the least and we have developed lots of great stellar maps to choose from. Star Trek Armada 3 Uprising; Dawn of the Reapers. Shields are an energy barrier (think Star Trek) that protects the ship from hostile weapons fire.
The United Federation of Planets is one of the playable Factions in Star Trek Armada 3.
History[edit | edit source]
The Federation is a peaceful amalgamation of races across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Founded in the 2161's after the devastating Earth-Romulan War, the Federation expanded outwards absorbing new races and cementing its place as a galactic power.

Strengths[edit | edit source]
The Federation is the economic powerhouse of the Alpha Quadrant, early game economic research ensures the Feds early dominance of the markets. They can easily expand and the economy can easily support this, as a result they only get bigger in size and benevolence. Fed diplomacy is also incredibly persuasive as is their culture and can spread rapidly across the stars. This form of indirect warfare can cause havoc behind enemy lines allowing your ships to easily waltz in. Spread the Fed, build up a strong infrastructure and you’re bound to be successful.
Weaknesses[edit | edit source]
Whilst you may have plenty of money your ships are not going to be up to par weapons wise with the other races until mid to late game. Average construction times in comparison to other's can leave you with ship deficit, forcing you to dig in with Outposts and Starbases until you have a large enough fighting force. Not only that but if you have been constantly raided by opposing forces you could find yourself running out of money fast. Expanding too quickly could also result in many systems undefended allowing raids behind your lines, gutting you from in the inside. Also their reliance on call-in ships which are much weaker than build-able ones for defence means planets on the front lines can be very tempting targets for opponents, also their weak defence structures mean they are very likely to be destroyed in quick succession.
Star Trek Armada Iii Mod
Starships[edit | edit source]
Capital Ships:
Star Trek Armada 3 Uprising V1.0
Call-in Ships:
Advanced Strikecraft:
See also[edit | edit source]
Star Trek Armada 3 Uprising Tutorial Hanging